Ashvin Gidwani Productions Private Limited – Vendor Registration Form
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Document Checklist – Please attach the below mentioned documents and mail us at Without complete documents we will not consider this form as valid.
- Company Registration Certificate / Aadhar Card for Individuals
- SGST/IGST/CGST/VAT Registration Certificate
- PAN Card / TIN Certificate
- Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) – (Applicable to Overseas vendors)
- Tax Exemption / Lower Deduction of Tax Certificate (If Yes, Input TAX Number)
- Bank E-Payment duly signed by Bank (Bank account details declaration on company letterhead signed by appropriate authority along with original cancelled Cheque also acceptable)
- In case of a company / firm – latest financials (Audited – Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss statement) and Business Profile of Vendor in brief. Financials is MANDATORY if estimated Business is expected to exceed USD.7,500 or INR.5lakhs.”
No PO No Work Policy
- Work preparation stage:
a) Only AGP representatives are authorized to commit to the Vendor on any production or performing any type of services. So, before Vendor starts any work, the Vendor MUST have a duly signed Purchase Order (PO).
b) If the business was awarded to Vendor without Purchasing involvement (no PO), Agency will not be liable for any work carried out as there is no signed official Purchase order.
We seek Vendor cooperation to follow this for vendor’s benefit. Failure to follow the guidelines in any circumstances, agency will reserve the rights to:
• Not be responsible for any cost incurred;
• Reject the job already done and refuse to issue PO for the job done.” - Payment – Quote our Purchase Order number on your invoice
– Invoices should be sent within 45 days after work completion, failing which AGP has the right to reject invoices and no payment shall be made due to that.”
– the goods / services being provided are a part of the core activity of our organisation.
– the payments to be made to me/us in the context of this business relationship will be exclusively used for the legitimate business objective as documented in the proposal / quote / agreement.
– there are no legal proceedings currently pending against us
– I / my company / management of the company am/is currently not accused of or have/has not been prosecuted in the past 5 years for any financial crimes (e.g. money laundering, violations of competition and antitrust law, corruption, bribery etc.).
– I / we will allow at its sole option to verify our statements with a background check, if necessary either by itself / third party.
– I / we have never been blacklisted by AGP.
– I / We shall indemnify and keep AGP indemnified for all losses, expenses, damages and costs (including legal fees) suffered / incurred by them if any of the declarations and/or undertakings above are not complied or are found to be incorrect.
– I/ We shall ensure to comply fully with all applicable laws, rules, regulations etc. for / during the supply of goods /Services to AGP and shall take all approvals, registrations, permissions that may be needed in this regard.
– I/ We shall ensure to comply by the Goods & Service Tax Act/Rules & other laws as applicable in the country we are operating. Further I/we confirm to indemnify the company in case the company is not able to avail the Input Tax Credit / have to bear any other tax loss due to our non-compliance. The indemnity amount will be to the extent of loss of Input Tax Credit / other tax loss amount.
– I/ We shall keep informed of any change in the information / document furnished under this Vendor Registration Form.
-I understand that it is my responsibility to report to AGP any changes on any related party relationship
– We confirm that we adhere to the AGP Code of Conduct & No Po No policy as amended for our organization. If we become aware of any breaches, particularly in respect of bribery or inappropriate gifts or services to or from your organization or any other third party, or in respect of other matters that could harm AGP’s reputation directly or by association, we will inform you immediately.