The first show of 5 Star Comedy, starring the very celebrated comedian Anuvab Pal went on the floor on 29th June, 2019. Hosted in the elite ambience of Sofitel Resort in Mumbai, the show surely stood up to its class. Anuvab, with his tasteful wit, sparked up the evening by inducing some loud laughter.
Dressed in a casual suit, the man who jokes in a british accent, took to the stage with his golden effervescence. The room in Sofitel rose to a shrill, applause and cheers when he took to the mic. Anuvab succeeded the show by speaking his script to the audience in the language of relatable humour that landed just right on point. The experienced comedian perfectly work with words that are both funny and indulgent. Paired with this is Anuvab’s excellent delivery that adds the quality to the act. He brings the body language to the stage that speaks to you like an add-on.
Curated for the audience that come from the class of taste and grandeur, Anuvab manages to convey his wit with fluency that only makes it better. He manages to keep the audience hooked through the length of his act using his energetic style and smooth segues. The reliability of the topics builds the quality of the script. The celebrated comedian surely knows how to control the room and makes apt spaces for his audience to take a moment with his jokes, letting the audience reveal the punchline rather than delivering them himself.
Anuvab manages to use exaggerations well, and that come easily to him. In the midst of this, the show wraps itself with great engagement and constant applauds. With the new AGP production, 5 Star Comedy has brought in the kind of comedy that’s redefining the tone of stand-up into more sophisticated humour. To bring more tasteful comedy in the world that couldn’t hurt.
Good thing, there are more coming!
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